關於我們 About

公司介紹 Introduction

本公司創立於1931年,專業經營高級手工金屬線刺繡,已有七十餘年歷史。大部份材料來自歐洲、美國、日本進口,經由手工一針一線縫製而成,為品質高貴又華麗的飾品。如 徽章肩章、旗幟等。除手工刺繡外,本公司還擁有各種電腦刺繡、臂裙、美術圖案、照片人物刺繡及各種流行服飾等。由於產品眾多,當您參觀產品網頁時,麻煩您多花點時間慢慢欣賞,並歡迎您向我們訂購,一定會給您物超所值的體驗感。

Founded in 1931, we have been specializing in the manufacture of bullion embroideries and machine embroideries for more than 80 years.
In Taiwan, we were the only embroidery company that was an approved supplier for U.S. Navy Exchange In Taiwan from 1960 to 1973.

Our products are listed as follows:
Police; Fire patches, Company Logo , Boy Scout patches, Armed forces patches, Lions Club International badges, Rotary International badges, Golf club badges, art designs, and popular embroideries.

We offer wholesale and retail services. Welcome to place us orders!
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Index - 美隆手工刺繡有限公司1-1_yp110.jpg

Index - 美隆手工刺繡有限公司1-2_yp110.jpg

公司歷史 History

我們的創辦人張彩鳳女士,創立美隆於西元1931年,當時是一間坐落於台北市的西門町的家庭工廠,專門提供手工金屬線刺繡的產品,並且於美軍協防台灣(1960-1973)的期間,成為台灣地區唯一獲得美國海軍合作社指定的刺繡公司。 西元1977年,由第二代經營者接手管理,設立美隆手工刺繡有限公司,並且搬到台北市士林,並且從日本引進全自動電腦繡機器。隨著業務量增加,我們更換兩台全新的電腦繡機器與打版機,提供給您更多的方便與產品。 經過76年的歲月,現在由第二代與第三代共同合作,努力的成為最好的刺繡公司,而且更加堅定的接受未來的挑戰。

In 1931, our founder Tsai-Feng Chang, founded Mei Lung in Ximen , Taipei. We were a family workshop, and made the bullion emblems. That was an approved supplier for U.S. Navy Exchange In Taiwan from 1960 to 1973.

In 1977, we move our company to Shinlin, Taipei. We imported computerized embroider machine from Japan. Business began to grow, requiring more space. We imported two new computerized embroider machines to change old one.

With 80 years of experience behind us, and currently the second and third generations at work with the advanced computerized embroidery factory, we look forward to the coming challenges of the future.
